So, you’ve got to move. What’s the first thought that comes to mind — UGH!! Packing, packing and more packing. Sorting, making piles and purging — and, that’s just the beginning!
Moving can be exciting, but the process of moving just isn’t that exciting. In fact, it can be quite stressful and intimidating, even when you’ve hired professionals. But, there are things that can be done to make the process of moving go smoothly for both you and the Chandler movers, be less stressful and save some money along the way. Here are some helpful tips:
1. Finish packing before moving day
If you’ve decided to do your own packing, make sure it’s finished. Time means money, so if the movers in Ahwatukee have to pack and tape your boxes that’s going to incur more time and, therefore, more money. Ideally, everything should be located in a central room to help speed up the process. Stacking your boxes against the wall is even better, this will give the movers more room to move around and bring things in like moving dollies.
2. Label everything
To help speed things up at the new location, it’s essential that each box be labeled as to which room it belongs in vs. leaving it up to the movers in the 85045 areas. Also, make sure to communicate with your movers. If they don’t know what “GR Room” means, it’s as if you hadn’t labeled at all. Decide and distinguish which area is your “living room” and which is your “den.” Also, label the boxes on the side and not the top since movers carry boxes in stacks. Consider a color code for each room and label that room’s boxes accordingly; label the door to each room with the corresponding sticker/tape to help guide the movers.
3. Prep the move
Figure out what needs to happen for the day to go smoothly. Think of what may need to be arranged beforehand. Do you need to reserve your building’s elevator? If you’re moving in or out of an apartment complex, make sure you know the rules — designated moving hours can cause major complications. Let the movers know, beforehand, if they’ll be moving extra large or heavy items that may require an extra person so they arrive with enough help.
4. Know where the furniture will go
Have a basic outline for where big furniture is going. Having to stop and wait for further instruction slows the flow down. If need be, have a staging area to keep big pieces out of the way until their destination is known.
5. Say what is valuable
Of course you want everything to arrive intact. But, some things are of high value or have a special meaning and need to be handled with extra care. So, if it would break your heart to find your grandmother’s delicate china broken, then point out to the movers what is fragile and meaningful —
communication is the key.
6. Don’t get in the way
If you’ve hired a Chandler moving company then let the moving professionals do their job. It may be tempting to want to rearrange things in the truck or help lift the gigantic entertainment center. Don’t be a liability. You’ll only be getting in the way and jeopardizing work safety and insurance policies. You’re better served directing the movers to the right rooms or reassembling furniture in your new place.
7. Don’t let children and pets run around
Of course children and pets don’t understand the inherent dangers of moving furniture. Carrying heavy objects throughout the house requires constant attention, communication and coordination between the movers. When they have to break their concentration to avoid loose pets or curious children,
8. Keep your home safe
Movers in the Ahwatukee Foothills will be carrying heavy boxes and even heavier furniture, so one loose wire or upturned carpet can spell disaster. Make sure they have clear and obstruction-free paths to avoid tripping and injuring themselves.
9. Scheduling more than one service at once
Along with moving comes cleaning. It may be tempting to schedule a cleaning crew during the move to expedite the process. But, placing extra bodies in the way of the movers would be counter productive. If the cleaners are scheduled after the move, they’ll be able to reach the difficult spots the furniture would’ve been blocking.
10. Tip your movers
Everyone knows moving is hard physical work. Aren’t you glad you didn’t have to do all the heavy lifting, climb up and down the stairs 30 times and swelter in the Arizona heat? Show your appreciation by tipping the movers between $20 and $50. Offer plenty of water, and if it’s a long moving day consider buying lunch as well. And, if you want even better service, think about tipping at the beginning of the day.
2316 E. Rawhide St.
Gilbert, AZ 85296
Office: 602-422-6409
1155 W 23RD ST, Suite 5B
Tempe, AZ 85282
Office: 480-648-3943
North Phoenix
2245 N. 36th Street, #210
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Office: 602-780-0377
San Tan Valley
184 East Salerno Way
San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
Office: 480-318-4390
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