Downsizing: De-Clutter Before Your Move

Moving a household can be a daunting task in and of itself, especially without the help o movers in Chandler . Moving unnecessary items only to end up with boxes of unwanted and unusable stuff adds even more frustration to an already stressful process. De-cluttering your Arizona home before you move is the best way to lessen the stress, and maybe even collect a little cash, during the process.


Label all your boxes before you start packing

The best approach is to de-clutter each room on its own. Set up a few different boxes to pack up, labeled with your intentions for the contents. For example, label a box for donations and then for packing up what you’re taking with you.

If you have a box open and ready, it will avoid adding more clutter to your de-cluttering process. If you have old plastic bins and totes that you are no longer going to use, this might be the best container for the items you would like to donate.

Laying it All Out

Donating your unwanted stuff will help lighten the love

Before you start putting anything into the boxes, go through the room and pull out what you absolutely know you want to see in your new home. Pack those into the “pack” boxes, label them, tape them up, and set them in a stack of completed boxes. After you have packed up the items that you are absolutely taking, it’s time to go through the remaining items in the room and decide if each item is worth taking or should be gotten rid of.

De-cluttering kids rooms can be an especially daunting task, especially if the child is present and like most kids who don’t want to let their special toys go. Take this opportunity and talk to your kids about the move and let your kids separate their toys into their favorite toys and those they could give to another child to enjoy. If it’s especially hard for them to let an item go that you know has had it’s day in the sun, have them talk about one good memory they had with that toy and how another child could make an equally special memory with that toy too.

We have similar issues letting go of meaningful items as adults. You probably have a box in the garage or the attic that you haven’t opened in years. It’s now time to decide which items in this box you should hold onto or get rid of. Getting rid of the item doesn’t mean you get rid of the meaning or memory. There are other ways of cataloging the special nature of the item. Write a journal entry or take a picture of it to preserve the meaning, then let it go.

Donations are both charitable and a good tax write-off. It’s also a fun way to support some of your favorite causes. Sometimes it’s also easier to part with your items if you know they’re going to help someone else as well, which can make the de-cluttering process easier to get through.


Sell what you don't take with you on the move

Now it’s time to let go of all that you’ve packed in the “donate” box. There are many ways to donate your items. You can find secondhand stores to donate to that use the profits to support different causes, like the Humane Society and women’s shelters. Sometimes it’s easier to part with items when you know that they are going to be used for the betterment of someone else’s circumstance.

You may have some larger or more expensive, re-usable items that you can sell. Garage sales are time consuming and can have mixed results, so they’re not recommended if you’re in a hurry or pressed for time. Try to sell the more valuable items on Craigslist or the Facebook Marketplace if you’d like to make a quick sale without too much hassle.


Pack up all your big items first

When you’re deciding what to leave out of boxes to get you through the move, imagine you’re going on a two week vacation and pack accordingly. Don’t think in terms of “what if” when you’re preparing your moving suitcase. Become a minimalist and keep out only what you know you’ll need, remembering that if a “what if” situation comes up, you can always run to Target.

Keep only the necessary items in the kitchen out while you’re in the moving process. Think one skillet, one pot, and minimal cooking gadgets. Meals may be reduced from a four course gourmet meal to a one skillet or drive-thru until the moving process is complete. Make sure to put items that are used together in the same box, so that when you are unpacking, you can arrange your kitchen more efficiently.

Make sure that cleaning supplies are left out as one of the last boxes to pack. You are going to need them once your move is complete, unless you’ve hired professional cleaners. And odds are, you’re going to want them when you reach your new home too.


Don't overwork yourself moving

Moving is a big process. De-cluttering can become an arduous and overwhelming process if you don’t take a break to recharge. One of the most common mistakes people make during moves is that they forget to take time to decompress and put it all aside for a few hours. Make sure that you remember to take a break, get out and be part of the world, and take care of yourself during this process. It will help keep you more focused during the working hours if you take some time to relax as well.

Getting the Right Help

Chandler Moving Services | A to Z Valley Wide Movers

After you have purged your home and decided what you’re taking and what you’re donating, it’s time to find an affordable moving company in Chandler, AZ to do the rest. A – Z Valleywide Movers can help with packing supplies and the logistics of this moving process. Whether you’re relocating inside the Arizona borders or making a larger change, A – Z Valleywide Movers are a valuable resource to tap into. Give us a call today to see what we can do to help assist you while you de-clutter and begin anew.

Published On: December 13th, 2017Categories: Moving Tips

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